Thursday, October 28, 2010

Another Anniversary

22 years ago on a rainy Friday evening I married my best friend. Thru all the ups & downs, highs & lows there is no one I would rather be going on this journey with.

As Always Be Good & Be Safe


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Photos and a update

We received a couple of photos of Aislinn from Ann @ RedThread with an update.
Aislinn is 37 inches and weights 26 pounds. She looks so big from the last photos we got.
Our appointment for our fingerprints are Thursday. Hopefully once that is done things we move a little quicker! (Hey a gal can hope)

As Always Be Good & Be Safe

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Catching up

Wow can't believe its been so long since I have posted. Its been an interesting journey so far. We finally got our homestudy wording right and sent to the USCIS on August 28.On the 30th we received a letter from USCIS (Homeland Security) stating that they have our application and are processing it and we would receive notice when we have a fingerprint appointment. Every day I checked our mail box a number of times thru out the day, waiting to see if we got our appointment. Finally on the 24th of September I opened the mailbox and there were 2 letters from USCIS. We have our appointment for October 14th @8am!!! Another three weeks but at least we had it. I had asked a few people if we could try and do a walk in & I was told no. So we will wait for our appointed time. On Saturday September 25 we received another letter from USCIS stating that they needed more information from us, proof of citizenship for both of us and proof of marriage! Really? And proof that the agency we used are Hague accredited.This part of the "WAIT" has been worst then the last 4 years. All I keep saying to myself (between my many melt downs) is " it is all worth it, when all is said and done Aislinn will be home with us"
Until that time I have been busy deciding about colors for Aislinn's room. I've painted the dresser that was "ours"( my sister & I) white, just need to get some new hardware for it. I bought a comforter set for the daybed & curtains for her room.
We sent a package to Aislinn using Ann from
Redthread China. I can not say enough good things about her & her service. I wrote a letter to her foster mother and has some treats sent to her,candy & cookies for the foster family & for Aislinn, pajamas, a blanket, a doll, a camera (so hopefully some photos will be taken of Aislinn & that we receive this back when we travel)& a photo album. In the album I put photos of Andrew & I plus our family.

This is Joe. Back in June he delivered our LSC to us. I wasn't home( was at Goober's moving up ceremony) but my sister Jamie(thanks J)came to my house to wait for the package. She explained to him what was in the envelope and asked if he would pose for a picture!

As Always Be Good & Be Safe


This is an account of our lifes as we head down the path of life towards our first child. An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break." --An ancient Chinese belief

DTC 4/20/07...LID4/26/07. ...Referral 5/27/10~Waiting for our TA...Aislinn Day is March 6,2011

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