Saturday, May 10, 2008
Major Changes & A busy week
A number of months ago I posted this about my hair. Never believing that the wait would go on forever, so I decided to go ahead and cut my hair and donate it. The are many reasons for the decision at this point,
- It was getting to long & out of hand
- It wasn't looking healthy
- I needed a change (it had been almost 3yrs since a cut)
- Lets be honest I could cut it & donate 3 time over before Aislinn comes home
So here is the before
The after
I was able to cut off over 11 inches.
Rachael made her confirmation on Wednesday afternoon, so her and I spent the day together (She asked me to be her sponsor). The day started out with us running to order her a corsage (of course I forgot all about it till the last second) then a relaxing Breakfast, a few errands the it was time for Rachaels hair appt.I had been thinking about it(getting a haircut) for awhile but kept changing my mind right up till the last second. I walked into the salon and had NO intention on having it cut but Rach started to talk to the gal cutting her hair saying I was thinking about cutting it and donating it, one thing lead to another and before I knew it IT WAS DONE! Now don't get me wrong I love it( just taking a bit to get use to.) After our hair appt I ran home to get dressed and then onto manicures &pedicure. We made it home just in time for Rachael to get dress and off to the church. The ceremony was long (over 90 kids)but beautiful, after a few photos it was off to dinner . It was a beautiful day and I was honored to stay up beside Rachael as she was Confirmed. On Thursday we had Michaela's spring concert in which she had a solo part.As the senior girls were called up to receive a rose from the teacher and then she sang I couldn't stop the tear from coming.It was realy nice to see all the girls dresses in the same Burgandy gowns ( I din't get any photos while she was on stage since I still didn't get the new camera) But her is a few photos from the weeks events.- Bishop Dunne, Fr Wood Rachael & I
- Racahel & I @ Dinner
With some of her friends
The happy family
As Always Be Good & Be Safe
Labels: family

This is an account of our lifes as we head down the path of life towards our first child. An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but will never break." --An ancient Chinese belief

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